Saturday, March 5, 2011


I really want to post more often than I do but most of the time I feel like I don't have something special enough to say. Well this week I visited all 3 stores we have booths in. It started Sun with a trip to Amana,fluffed up the case and added some new things. Had a nice visit with Cindy, she said business has been real slow (our sheet showed it we sold 1 item all month and it was 5 dollars). We are all hoping spring brings a boost. On Thurs. ML and I took a spin up to Cascade with a load of cool stuff ( it's time to break out the Easter and garden things ). Annies Treasures is Hopping with all sorts of spring things. Her SRING OPEN HOUSE is March 16-20, hop on over if you can . On Fri.I worked at PARK PLACE in Marion, took over a couple of totes of spring things,added some bright red tulips to add some pazzaz. Seems we all could use some pazzaz lately.Barb will be at Kiwanas show this week-end in Iowa City stop by and say hi. She and Dan are just back from Nashville .Can't wait to hear all about it. Well that was my week, the reason I have no pictures is my son got us a different computer and he isn't finished hooking everything up, like camera software.So as soon as he gets my camera up and running I will have pictures of all my stops. Till then TAKE CARE OF YOU GINGER